Exhibition promoted and organised by
Forma Edizioni
Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Design and curation of the exhibition
Luca Molinari Studio
Luca Molinari
con Federica Rasenti
Assistant curator
Maria Antonietta Santangelo
Scientific coordination
Federica Rasenti
Maria Antonietta Santangelo
Beatrice Papucci
Teresa Gori
Andrea Benelli
Maria Giulia Caliri
Graphic design and installation
Forma Edizioni
Isabella Peruzzi
Laura Maltinti
Deepa Parapatt
Mirco Donati
Michelangelo Perrella
Giuseppe Fulvio Gallotti
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Biblioteca della Nuova Manica Lunga
Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Fondo Terzani
Forma Edizioni
Editorial revision
Luca Molinari
Federica Rasenti
Social Media Management
BonnePresse – Studio Giornaliste Associate
Website design
Kaleidoscope digital agency
Press office
Artwork insurance
Art handling
Media partner
area – rivista internazionale di architettura e arti del progetto
Technical sponsor
Dimora Italia
ABA Arredamenti
Ceccotti Collezioni
Faraone Srl
Galardini Sport®
Gervasi® spa
Ghiori sas
Linoleum Gomma Zanaga Srl
Knauf Italia
MAP spa
Opinion Ciatti
Schüco Italia
Secco Sistemi
Universal Selecta spa
A special thanks to
All those who generously lent their artworks
Archea Associati
MC A – Mario Cucinella Architects
RPBW – Renzo Piano Building Workshop
Studio Fuksas
Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Angela Staude Terzani
All those who worked or collaborated towards the making of this exhibition, and in particular
Renata Codello
Maria Novella Benzoni
Erica Galvan
Franco Raggi
Sergei Tchoban
Anna Martovitskaya
Cartografica Toscana
SSD Grafiche
Maria Ida Biggi
Matteo Giro
Alessandro Martoni
Ilenia Maschietto
Francesco Piraino
Eva Salviato
Linda Zampol D’Ortia

Fondazione Cini
The Fondazione Giorgio Cini was created in 1951 by Vittorio Cini to commemorate his son Giorgio, who had died tragically in an air crash on August 31,1949. The Foundation is the earliest example in Italy of a private organization whose principal aims included humanistic studies at a time when collective interest was focused on economics, science, and technology. Vittorio Cini’s decision to make the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore the setting for his Foundation was a remarkably inspired move.
In fact, by choosing the island as the headquarters of the Foundation and including its restoration and redevelopment among the Foundation’s statutory aims, Vittorio Cini made his creation an
heir to a centuries-old tradition: he gave it the historical role and vocation of the monastery whose legacy he wished to perpetuate.
The Foundation’s initial projects were focused on solving some of the urgent problems afflicting Italy and Venice in the postwar period. On the one hand, there was a need to train young people professionally and, on the other, there was a dearth of resources and facilities dedicated to scientific and cultural research. For these purposes, two institutions were created: the Centro Marinaro (Nautical Center) and the Centro Arti e Mestieri (Crafts and Trades Center). For many years these institutions provided hundreds of young men with professional training, especially for some of the more specific careers associated with the economic needs of the city. Around the same time, a Center for Culture and Civilization was created. It was dedicated to promoting high-standard scientific and academic events, such as international conferences focused on studying cultural, artistic, social, scientific and economic issues. Its activities also included organizing exhibitions and performances of plays and concerts.
Today the Fondazione Giorgio Cini is an internationally recognized cultural institution which continues to draw inspiration from its original vocation and at the same time plays a leading role as a center for studies and a venue for meetings and debate on current issues. Its academic activities – research projects and events aimed at improving our “knowledge of the world” – continuously interact with thinking on the current political and social scene aimed at promoting multidisciplinary approaches and experimenting with exchanges between forms of knowledge and various scientific and professional cultures. The intention is thus also to provide innovative tools for analysis and comprehension, as well as propitious opportunities for “building a new world.”
The Fondazione Giorgio Cini is not only an invaluable store of literary, artistic, musical, and archive treasures, but also a crossroads for cultures and ideas and a place devoted to the quest for truth and the spread of knowledge, thus perpetuating the tradition of the Benedictine abbey and the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore. In line with the policy traced out by its founder, the Foundation has initiated a new strategy for the development of the island through the creation of the Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture.
The Center is dedicated to the memory of the great Italianist and the Foundation’s first Secretary General who, together with Vittorio Cini, was the main driving force of the Venetian institution in its first fifty years of activity.
The Vittore Branca Center is inspired by the great schools of the past and at the same time provides a place for meeting and study both for young researchers and senior scholars interested in furthering their knowledge in a field of Italian culture (especially the culture of the Veneto), such as the visual arts, history, music, literature, drama, the comparative civilisations and spritualities. With specially designed residential facilities on the Island of San Giorgio, the Vittore Branca Center offers scholars from all over the world the opportunity to work and
stay at length in Venice in a privileged setting particularly conducive to reflection and study. Thanks to the Branca Center, the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore and the Fondazione Giorgio Cini have strengthened their bonds in a mutual, inextricable relationship and have renewed their ultimate mission, which is to encourage the free circulation of ideas and knowledge and all forms of learning.
Fondazione Giorgio Cini
Giovanni Bazoli
Secretary General
Renata Codello
Department of Facilities Management, Events Coordination and Relations with Sponsors
Maria Novella Benzoni
Erica Galvan
Technical Department
Massimo Altieri
Gloria Pasqualetto
Department of Communications and Cultural Planning
Chiara Casarin
Serena Concone
Giovanna Pesaro
Press Office
Riccardo Savio
Michele Ballarin
Institute of Art History
Luca Massimo Barbero
Coordination Management
Simone Guerriero
Scientific director of the Art Collections
Alessandro Martoni
Centro Studi di Civiltà e Spiritualità Comparate
Francesco Piraino
Archives contact
Eva Salviato

Forma is a publishing initiative aimed at the diffusion of knowledge on trajectories and experiences in the fields of art, architecture and photography and, more in general, at the promotion of the most interesting researches on productive and technological aspects related to the transformation of the territory, contemporary lifestyles and homes.
The intention of the publishing house is to give a “form” to the expressive red threads which run through and animate the current cultural debate and to explore both specific areas of knowledge that are known to the public, and to give greater visibility to those currently marginal intellectual and artistic expressions that are considered, for various reasons, to open new vistas on reality.
To achieve this, Forma avails itself, without any distinction of priority, of every means of communication, both digital by making its publications available in the internet or by means of e-books, and traditional ones, by producing volumes on paper, as monographs and catalogues of exhibitions and events. Every initiative is characterized by the high quality of the product, the images, the printing, and the publications are distributed in places (specialized bookstores, museum bookshops and exhibition venues) which, in addition to being available in the internet, assure that necessary and indispensable presence in the “sites” where opinions and critic valuations are formed.

Luca Molinari Studio
LMS - Luca Molinari Studio
Consulting, Curatorship and Publishing for Architecture.
With 30-years’ experience within university education, curatorship, publishing and research in the field of contemporary architecture, in 2015 Luca Molinari started his own independent firm supported by a team of professionals with a background in architecture, exhibit design, project management, critique, graphic design, publishing services, communication and copyediting.
Luca Molinari Studio tailors and supplies integrated services of content design, consulting, process and project management within the fields of architecture and project’s culture.
Among our projects:
> exhibitions and events
> architecture and town planning competitions
> books and publications
Our philosophy of work:
> to provide sustainable tools to promote and share knowledge
> to give concrete form to visions and needs for contemporary living
> to “build” awareness
> to give voice, identity and quality to urban spaces, places and territories
LMS collaborates with institutions and companies to develop useful strategies to define spaces and places for living in the future.